CEO, DAASI International, Tübingen, Germany

Introducing the Federated Identity Management For Libraries Initiative (FIM4L)

Studies of Indology and Religious Studies at the universities of Heidelberg and Tübingen, graduating as Magister Artium (Master of Arts). Developed to an internationally accepted Expert in directories, identity and access management and Digital Humanities.

1919-94: Research associate at the Center of Data Processing (Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung, ZDV) of the University of Tübingen within the research project of the German National Research and Education Network (Deutsches Forschungsnetz, DFN) on X.500 and LDAP, which was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF)
1998 – 1999: Member of DANTE (Delivery of Advanced Network Technology for Europe) in Cambridge: responsible for the NameFLOW project and administration of an international X.500 directory
1999 – 2000: Project leader of the DFN project “Establishment of a DFN Directory Competence Center” at the University of Tübingen
2000 – today: Foundation of DAASI International, a company specialized in Open Source based Identity & Access Management. Since then CEO with main responsibilities: research, development and customer management
2008 – 2010: Member of the University of Heidelberg: Establishment of the IT department of the cluster of excellence “Asia and Europe”, and conception and implementation of the virtual research environment “Heidelberg Research Architecture”

Other activities:
Member of a task force convened by the Federal Office for Information Security, with the task to create catalogues of measures for digital signature.
Chairman of the international research group TERENA Task Force LDAP Service Deployment.
Member of the Technical Advisory Board for directory activities of Internet 2.
Member of the Editorial Board for a directory service concept of the PKI-1 of Federal administration.
Chairman of the GGF Working Group CIM based Grid Schema
Participation in the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) funded projects TextGrid, IVOM, Gap-SLC, DARIAH-DE and RiR.
Executive board member of DHd.
Co-founder of the FIM4L international working group and member of the LIBER FIM4L working group.